
My name is Jason Bales, but some people know me as Gamer++. I collect and play video games. I play new games, but I really LOVE old games. This blog is about video games, fiction, comics, and whatever else I feel like putting here that is not on one of my other blogs.

I first bought the gamerplusplus.com domain a few years ago. I forget exactly when. I built a super-sweet php/MySql website with memberships, forums, a messaging system, and a whole lot more that all loaded super fast with a custom CSS template (even on slow dial-up connections!). I linked the site with eBay game sales and was happy until eBay went bad.

The site was very popular with spammers, but didn't catch on with many real people. Eventually the site's host (burstband.net) went out of business so I started this free blog. This blog has nowhere near the features of the previous site, but there's not much spam either. When I saw that the domain was up for grabs again, I bought it back.

I still program in Microsoft QuickBASIC. I was posting the occasional QB post here, but recently opened a blog dedicated solely to QB programming (find the link at the top of the page). I also have other blogs and stuff you can find links to. I'm on YouTube, FaceBook, and Twitter too. So don't be a stranger.